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Hi! I'm Tara, the face behind 2 Arrows Company. Here’s the story behind the name 2 Arrows Company. Psalms 127:4 says “Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.” So, I got a tattoo to represent my 2 children. A feminine one for Nova and a masculine one for Nash. A little touch of birthstone color in the tattoo as well. They are my 2 arrows, and I am doing everything I can to raise them in the way they should go. So, when I was asked if I wanted to do a vendor event with my headbands, I quickly came up with a name that was important to me. 2 Arrows Company.


How did this all start? When I was pregnant with my son in 2018 I wanted to make some of my own bibs and burp rags, but I had no idea how to sew, or even how to thread the sewing machine that was given to me when my grandmother passed a couple years prior. So, I watched some YouTube videos, bought some material, and then even watched a YouTube video on how to thread my specific sewing machine. A couple years later, I wanted to make some headbands for myself and my daughter. I, once again researched and figured it out. It was then that I thought I'd like to start sewing more to make some money and expanded into zipper pouches, snack bags, and keychains. Since I am a handbag lover, myself, I decided that I'd like to get into bags, but I didn't just want to buy patterns to do it, I wanted to design my own, to make them unique and exactly how I wanted. 


The first pattern I wanted to do was a wristlet that had a space for credit card slots, cash, coins, and that would fit a large cell phone. That is now known as the Esther Wristlet. I decided to name my patterns after people that I admire or that inspired the pattern. You'll notice that all of my original patterns are names. Some of them are Bible inspired, and some of my patterns came to life by ideas from my friends / family. 


Thank you so much for checking out my story and I hope you're inspired! If you have a special type of bag you're looking for, let me know and maybe my next pattern can be named after you! 



Tara Wong

Creator and Designer of 2 Arrows Company

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